The following steps illustrate the requirements to raise and vote on a proposal in the scenario where only vesting GRO counts towards votes. When on-chain governance cannot be used to implement the resulting actions (either because on-chain governance is not approved by the DAO or because the respective proposal would not result in an on-chain action), the off-chain governance process result (though technically non-binding) is considered as the final vote:

  1. Discuss in Discord at #governance channel

  2. Write a Gro Request For Comments (GRFC) on Gro DAO Forum, following these guidelines on writing GRFCs, and use the poll feature to conduct an informal signalling vote

  3. After at least [6 days]* of GRFC, if feedback has been implemented and there is a general consensus (as determined by GRFC feedback and by at least [15 members] participating in a passing signalling vote) that the proposal should be taken to vote, addresses with [175,000+ vesting or delegated* vesting GRO tokens]** (~0.5% of current*** GRO Supply*),* or whitelisted**** addresses; can initiate the proposal on Gro DAO’s Snapshot, using this Proposal Description Template

  4. The vote would be live for at least [5 days]* for off-chain voting on Snapshot, and would need to meet a quorum of [350,000 vesting GRO]* (~1% of current*** GRO Supply) and a passing rate of over [50%*]

  5. A successful vote would have [3 days]* of timelock for implementation (if applicable), allowing time for emergency multi-sig to act if there’s a malicious attack

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Parameter Definition Tally Recommendation
Proposal Threshold the amount of voting power that an account needs to make a proposal. 0-2% of circulating token supply
at least 5-10 delegates should have enough voting power to make a proposal
Quorum the amount of For votes – sometimes also including the amount of Abstain votes – for a proposal 1-10% of circulating token supply
Voting Period how long voting lasts on each proposal 3-7 days
Voting Delay time between when a proposal is submitted and when it goes up for voting 1 day
Timelock minimum amount of time between when a proposal posses and when it can be executed 3-7 days for if the Timelock has someone with an emergency veto/cancel role and if the governor manages a DeFi protocol


***Current Supply of GRO Tokens